They create the problems, and provide the solutions. Progressive!
My essays are usually long because I always seek to ensure that even the intellectually challenged, is able to understand the points that I have sought to make: today I shall be brief, and direct. It is up to you to understand, or you can argue with your data as you please.
1. The Coronavirus is the least of Nigeria’s innumerable problems.
2. The world as we knew it, is already over.
3. There’s an exciting brand new world out there to discover, define, and dominate.
4. Where is Nigeria going to be in that new world, and would it be able to manage the process of the inevitable change?
5. Is Buhari and our other myopic rulers, capable of seeing these things, and if they are, can they imagine the way forward, and then lead?
6. Can we travel to this new world in our gas guzzling jalopy, whilst everyone else is flying in jets?
7. How do we keep our sinking ship together long enough to patch it up, and make it seaworthy?
8. The palliatives are already enriching the impoverished idiots ruling us.
The owners and influencers of the street gangs will keep them in check somehow. Those that might be bribed with money and promises of influence after COVID, would be bribed. And the ones bought will join the ones already owned, in joining the vigilance groups to minimize the crimes. They create the problems, and provide the solutions. Progressive!
Most of today’s middle class, were working jobs that have disappeared whilst COVID rage, and as they are quarantined in their Lekki bubble, sharing videos of people under siege, their own retrenchment letters are being dictated in Banana Island and Eko Atlantic City.
No matter how badly the virus might spread in Nigeria, and I pray it doesn’t. It is merely another in the long list of things that have assured that the Nigerian is painfully familiar with death, and the virus is unlikely to match the Nigerian state, as the number one cause of Nigerian mortality.
It is time to focus on the day after the virus. What does tomorrow look like?
First published 17 April, 2020.