The lies that undergirds, and undermines the very foundation of the Nigerian state, creates our problems, exacerbates our difficulties, and assures that we are distinguished around the world
“The easy part, about which you will find near universal agreement amongst the disparate groups that makes up Nigeria, regardless of their tribe, ethnicity, social, and or religious stratifications, is that the state has failed, or is on its way to failure. The more optimistic ones, the intellectually indolent, those who prefer to disbelief the evidences of their own eyes, would also agree that the system is broken and in need of a tweak.
Even it’s chief beneficiaries have come to agree. Atiku is talking restructuring, one of the major beneficiaries of the Nigerian fraud, and a man with vested interests in maintenance of the status quo, has come to admit that the system is broken.
What nobody is asking is; How did we get here? Those who decreed that history no longer be taught, knew exactly what they sought to achieve. We have become a nation of ronin citizens, irresponsible governments, and are heading nowhere in a world in which we are being fast left behind……
The real tragedy is not in the loss of the present time, my true worries are about entire generations of our youth, whose very future are being sacrificed on the altars of political expediency, and the sacrifice of national interest in furtherance of interests that undermines the very interests, that many have sworn to protect.
The lies that undergirds, and undermines the very foundation of the Nigerian state, creates our problems, exacerbates our difficulties, and assures that we are distinguished around the world, solely by the sheer waste that has come to characterize our nation…..
To maintain a lie, you have to tell several more, and lies reproduce much faster than lice. For every lie, another ten, just to maintain the one, and for each told, another ten, just for scaffolding. Nigeria is a nation built on lies. If we don’t sit together to fashion a nation from the current mess that we have, I warrant that mine would be the last generation of Nigerians.
Nothing sustainable may be built on lies… “the man shall not prosper, who covereth his sins” what’s the verdict on a nation of liars, built on lies? Before you presume to turn up your self righteous nose, ask yourself, the salaries you pay, from private, to public sector, is that what your staff and even you, actually live on? Liars all. “One Way” the signage screams, big man with police escort, siren blaring, Nico above the Law…”
Excerpts from Do Not Die In Their War
Originally written and shared in September 2017.