The Buharists do not fool around, they take no prisoners, and nothing will stop them from having their way. They are not only in office, they are in power. We are back in the era when having the PDP ticket guarantees you the victory, only difference is the names have changed.
l am unwilling to do a long treatise on the Ondo elections and other emerging issues in contemporary Nigeria vide this platform. It distracts me from what I believe more pressing, which is to have a comprehensive body of works published, in which I engage the several fallacies undergirding our sick country. But I am compelled by circumstances to offer my 2 kobo at this time.
Aketi will be declared the winner of the Ondo election, whenever it is held. I have been wrong before, after all, I did conclude that GEJ would be returned as the winner in 2015. But how was I to know that he would find the grace to concede, and the cowardice to do what is alien to our clime; an incumbent imbecilic enough to superintendent his own electoral defeat. But I digress.
The Buharists cannot afford to lose the Ondo election, and battle lines have been drawn on several levels. The Ondo state election has become a zero sum game, and unlike Jonah, the Buharists do not fool around, they take no prisoners, and nothing will stop them from having their way. They are not only in office, they are in power. We are back in the era when having the PDP ticket guarantees you the victory, only difference is the names have changed.
Eni to ba we’ju, ohun le’ru n’ ba. It is those who have acquired the third eye, that sees the dance of the spirits and masquerades. The people of Ondo may very well decide that they will side with the Buharists, and that would only bode well for them, because they will have a basis upon which to base their ownership of whatever follows after the day before. But their choices are irrelevant to the dancing masquerades..
I lay no claim to Godspower Oyewole’s mantle, and seeing as Joshua would appear to have acquired the worst effects of dyslexia, you will just have to manage wetin my African eyes dey see….
If and when I am proven right, don’t forget to consult me whenever you would ordinarily have visited your woli, dibia, babalawo and all those people who tells you the future they have not lived. Economy don dey kolo, having multiple streams of income helps, and my bills would probably be more reasonable with the added advantage of being able to say that you did nothing proscribed by your faith.
Do try to enjoy the dance of the masquerades…
First published on 25 November, 2016.