I dare say, recent history should have taught us that the system itself is the problem, and the changes of personnel, a time buying exercise…
I unequivocally support the unqualified right, of a citizen, to protest. What I ask, is that the protesters, be sure, that they are seen as citizens by the system operative in the state in which they presume citizenship.
I know that nuanced arguments have become lost on a people consumed by the challenges of daily existence in a wicked nation, but until we learn to open our minds, we are not going to be ready for the changes we desire as a people.
A protest against a government suggests that a change of direction is possible within the existing system, but history should have taught us by now, I dare say, recent history should have taught us that the system itself is the problem, and the changes of personnel, a time buying exercise.
Fayose and his ilk would support protests such as the one we are debating, for the simple reason that it focuses on persons, and not on the system, from which they themselves profit, and the preservation of which is to their benefit. Let’s see how many politicians would support the protest, if the focus shifts to the system, and the lies it perpetuates and supports. Which one of them did you see in January 2012? Only their proxies and lackeys showed up.
The animal world offers support and validity for the position I have elected to adopt on the protest debate. Cubs must practice the hunt, before they learn the business of killing in order to survive, and hierarchies are found in the course of play acting. These protests would become the training grounds for the existential battles for the very soul of this country, and lessons would be learnt about what is to come. It is the duty of my generation, to educate these generation of protesters, and to show them how to become citizens. A privilege that was denied us, and the tragedy of which we are only just awakening.
Godspeed to the protesters, and let me part ways with a word of advise; the Nigerian police is not your friend oh…..
First published February 3rd, 2017.
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The post Bonfires Of Illusions… appeared first on Dele Farotimi.
The post Bonfires Of Illusions… appeared first on Dele Farotimi.
The post Bonfires Of Illusions… appeared first on Dele Farotimi.
The post Bonfires Of Illusions… appeared first on Dele Farotimi.
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