Because of Buhari, I now know that the ruling class, as long suspected, are mostly peopled by a bunch of reprobate thieves, and the military brass, are no different from armed robbers…
Just for the sake of clarity, and in order to place the point in perspective, I did not vote for PMB. I didn’t buy into the illusion of his messianic purpose. The signals were clear for the discerning, regardless of the posturing, it was going to be business as usual. What kind of changes, or crusades against corruption could you reasonably expect, when the compromises made to gain power, had already ensured that nothing would change?
Every system is designed to produce a desired end, and the only thing systemic in our country, is blindness and its many fruits, corruption merely being one of several. The system coalesced around the person of Buhari, because he was the only way for the shitstem to replicate itself, even as he was the very candidate, that the system had worked the hardest to prevent from getting into office. Without Buhari, what could they have done? Another 4yrs of GEJ, would have led to economic collapse, and popular revolt. But the people would not have discriminated between the different bands of rogues. But I love Buhari.
Without Buhari, the illusions would not have been shattered. We wouldn’t have known that Tinubu and Obasanjo are capable of agreement on any subject, and the lie that corruption is the culprit for our national underdevelopment and atrophy would not have been revealed. I love Buhari.
The hypocrisy of the ruling class and it’s double standards would not have been revealed without Buhari. I see the moral somersaults of a government struggling to explain to the citizens, how some people have immunity from corruption, and some are the very definition of corruption. Yet I ask, “bawo lo’bo ti she ori, ti inaki ko she?” How is the ape’s skull different from the gorilla’s?
Because of Buhari, I now know that the ruling class, as long suspected, are mostly peopled by a bunch of reprobate thieves, and the military brass, are no different from armed robbers. When will he probe Buratai’s Dubai holdings? I love Buhari.
I see otherwise eloquent men and women, struggling to explain the difference between six and half a dozen, as they struggle to explain the double standards that have always been the hallmark of governance in Nigeria. How many of our politicians, whatever party they may belong to, haven’t done exactly what Saraki is being prosecuted for, and is his prosecution really about fighting corruption? I love Buhari.
Because of Buhari, the glaring contradictions of a corrupt system that preaches anti corruption, whilst in the grip of the most vile of corrupt persons, is daily played out in the full glare of our people, and illusions are shattered. Because of Buhari, it is becoming increasingly clear, that there isn’t a magic bullet for Nigerian problems. I love Buhari.
You can tell me all the reasons why you love PMB and his merry band of reformed and unreformed looters, but be assured that I loved them all, before you fell in love with them. Let’s keep talking.
First published 31 July, 2016.