The one that fights in your corner, and even you becomes worried, that the ferocity of his sword strokes, might leave you no heads to claim…
I met Ademola Adesina Ogunlana, AKA, Sherubawon Jigijigi! in the year 1990. It was my “LASU olo’san” season. Another story for another day. I have known this 57 year old man, since we were young men. You can do the mathematics yourself, I merely seek to establish that we have traveled a long distance together. We shall be telling these legends another day, war stories are not my purpose today.
There is an incredible idiocy that undergirds the human propensities for planning and procrastination: man presumes immortality to himself, even as he pretends to admit to an acceptance of his mortality, by making plans. I have the intention of writing tomes detailing the journeys of my life, and Sherubawon has featured prominently at several inflection points in my life, so I was always going to write about him, and of him. I have presumed our mutual immortality, and ignored the fact that whilst I procrastinate, either of us might be asked to return home. I shall write of Baba Ogunlana today.
He is my Leader. There aren’t too many men I’d trust with my life, but Baba Ogunlana is atop of that list, and if he has my back, and death comes visiting by that route, I would die knowing, that Baba would be waiting for me on the other side. Sherubawon is a man of his convictions, and he would NEVER sell his conscience. Baba Ogunlana is a man of unimpeachable integrity, uncommon courage, and unalloyed loyalty. Sherubawon is a man and then some.
Many do not know, but Sherubawon was my second employer. I worked with him for a brief period, and the experience left me with deep impressions of the man, and of the law profession. Baba Ogunlana is in love with the idea of law, its ideals, the theatre, and the practice of law, is a calling for him, not a business. He is almost as the Franciscan monks in his annoying disregard for the business side of law. I left my leader convinced that he had taken a vow of poverty. This is the man that Comraid Danku and his pack of human rice activists presume to denigrate. Won ni ku’re!
The ongoing derobing of the ugly fascist state and its evil rulers before the Lekki Panel is a story for another day, and history shall yet recognize the selfless service that you have rendered to the dead and unborn in your service to humanity before the panel. History shall record how some evil men became foot soldiers in the quest to deny justice to the victims, even as they waxed lyrical and pretended to fight for the silent. The truth shall be manifest in due season, and it shall not be too long in coming.
Igba odun, ojo kan’ni! Gbogbo eni to ba pe ori re ni’bi, ogiri alapa, ko ma wo lu awon ota re! Ase waa ni ti Ireke! Your strength shall be renewed, you shall be replenished, you shall be as the Amunututu plant, planted by an undying water source, the virulence of your growth and trajectories shall cause men to come to the knowledge of God, and cause depression for your haters! Amen.
Happy birthday my brother, my friend, my leader. The one that fights in your corner, and even you becomes worried, that the ferocity of his sword strokes, might leave you no heads to claim. Have a lovely day with the crew. Sherubawon Jigi-Jigi! One day, we shall yet tell our stories, and we might be mischievous enough to tell them the meaning of the “Jigi-Jigi” which did not travel with, and no longer accompanies the sibling. One day..