Your sufferings had always increased as your hallelujah and Allahu Akbar because God is a just father. He has shared the grace on us all.
Saudi Arabia is not a praying nation, and neither is Israel. Saudi’s ARAMCO is the most profitable state company in the world. Some Israeli scientists grew human bones in the lab days ago.
You are delusional to think your churches and mosques will delay or deny your death by starvation.
That the Isreali, Jew and Saudi Arab did not rely on the ownership of the ‘holiest’ places on earth (Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem) but chose the path of science ought to be enough to make you see the futility in planting churches and mosques in every corner.
The rest of the world has gone to work. Netherlands has a size less than the sizes of at least six of our states yet is the second net exporter of farm produce behind the US.
Africa thinks the adoption of a lazy business model of religion can remove her from want. You relied on the non-god-fearing white man for penicillin. The same white man gave you cure for Ebola. Her drug cured the Gonorrhea you caught after having a session with the choir girl.
You are a parasite, a preying – praying parasite. Your contributions to modern civilization is zero. You cannot even refine the black gold nature, not prayer put under your feet.
Your parents prayed yet bore you into privation. Your entire existence has been in privation. You married in privation and procreated in privation. Your children are in privation and will die in privation. You will die in privation and be buried in privation.
No amount of prayer will avert that. The only remedy is to chase these thieves called politicians out, via the ballot, and replace them with others who would fear us.
Your sufferings had always increased as your hallelujah and Allahu Akbar because God is a just father. He has shared the grace on us all.
You cannot expect him to help you mix cement.
Written by – Modiu Olaguro