Would your heaven be kinder to me. Are we going to have a section for me. I cannot be twice destined for hell. I have already lived as a black man
I am born endangered wherever I turn
It doesn’t matter, where I am born
From the sands of the Sahara
To the shores of the mighty Atlantic
The trees that grows on the rocks
The hardy shrubs of the Sahara
They have better odds than me
I am named after my murderers
I am the African child!
I am the nameless slave!
I am the one that you daily choke!
I am the one you have made hollow!
I worship your gods!
Mine watched as you fettered me
The chief priests traded in men
The chiefs became traders of brothers
When you tired of feeding slaves
You destroyed my holy places
Endangered in your protectorate
Enslaved, exploited, in your colonies
The African gods are unknown
Esu laalu became born again
Reborn as satan and or sheitan
The heresy of Abraham’s seeds
The Allah of Ishmael, Son of Abe
Was called to justify my fetters
The Bible came with the slaving ships
Ajayi Crowther did not Moses become
Today I wander, rootless, void
Emptied of the essence of who I am
Enslaved at home, in chains abroad
Where is my place under the sun
The cousins taken in chains
They are games hunted by men
Trophies to be displayed in proof
Of the inhumanity of man, to man
We that are enslaved at home
Have long preferred the chains abroad
Only the insane have ignored to flee
Death stalks by day, noon, and dusk
The heaven promised to Abe’s boys
Would there be space for me too
Or would the heaven meant for me
Be as desolate as the land of my birth
Would your heaven be kinder to me
Are we going to have a section for me
I cannot be twice destined for hell
I have already lived as a black man
Fresno, CA – Reading & Signing
Napa, CA – Reading & Signing
Tacoma, WA – Reading & Signing
© 2020 Dele Farotimi | Website by RedBoxx.
© 2020 Dele Farotimi | Website by RedBoxx.
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Elucidating the life of a black man is beautiful in reads and tormenting in reality.
we are an endangered specie not by numbers but by exposure and enclosure to the hardy shrubs and the light of truth respectively.