We might survive this insanity, but our children deserve a better future than the one that we are building by our destructive choices, and complicit silence.
October 1st. 00:00AM. I intend to speak to as many as would incline their ears, and I have picked this hour deliberately. I shall explain, because it is important that you should understand.
At precisely that moment in time, 60 years ago, the British lowered the Union Jack, and the Nigerian flag was unfurled. The Nigerian state was declared independent, and without any input from most of you, and certainly none by me, I became a Nigerian.
I intend that we shall start our discourse with prayers. We love praying. Faithless and ineffectual as our prayers have been, the proliferation of churches and mosques, the growth of vacuous religiosity, testifies to our love of prayers, but these prayers are different.
We shall speak into the womb of the new day, and demand heavenly recompense for our oppressors, and divine wrath on all that have led us to this sorry pass.
I shall thereafter share with you my vision for a new Nigerian state, and the roadmap to get us there
I have no assurances of an easy road for those who shall elect to answer this call, but I vow to always be upfront with you.
The road ahead will be arduous. Some of us shall be jailed. Some might even be martyred. We shall bear only the truth as our weapons and shield, and non-violence is not an option for us. It is the only way.
The struggle ahead of us is not a pro democracy one. We have a liberation struggle ahead of us, we have been stripped of our citizenship, and rendered subjects and serfs, by a ruling class, that spends more to maintain itself, than it spends on the entire country.
“Healthcare budget is N46 Billion for over 200 million people.
Education budget is N48 Billion for over 200 million people.
Nigeria’s Legislators Budget is N125 Billion for 465 people”
The above is the National Assembly’s package, juxtaposed against the people’s at the federal level, use your imagination to figure out what happens by the time that you would dare to extrapolate across the states.
Look beyond the opaque finances of the National Assembly for a minute, look to the Executhieves across the country. Look at the federal executives, the civil servants, the MDAs. Look.
Look at the published Pension Bill for the governors. Imagine the ones that we have never seen, and understand how they are not ashamed to codify the extent of their avarice
We might survive this insanity, but our children deserve a better future than the one that we are building by our destructive choices, and complicit silence.
The Nigerian state is dying, and we have two choices open to us. We can intervene to avert the looming catastrophe, or we can stand by as victims, and be reacting to the consequences of our collective inactions.
The death of the inequitable, oppressive, and unjust state is not an undesirable outcome, but its desirability must be conditional on us recognizing the opportunity to birth an equitable Nigerian nation which is presented, and the dangers of a descent into the abyss, if we shall have failed to act.
See you at the midnight hour. This is a call to Tahajjud! Or if you would prefer, a Night Vigil. We have to speak into the womb of a new nation.