Americans have become almost universally godless to the point of apostasy, but their society works.
Before the howls of derision and self righteous protestations are directed my way, allow me to elucidate.
I have become tired of listening to otherwise rational human beings, endowed with intellects comparable to that of any other human being anywhere else in the world, take refuge in the intellectually indolent refrain; “God will save Nigeria” every time they are confronted with further evidence of state failure, and leadership idiocy. I believe it’s time to explain to us all, that God is not a fire brigade officer, and will not be blackmailed into doing what he has empowered us to do at the point of creation.
Heaven helps those who helps themselves, or as the Yorubas would say, ”owo ara eni, la fi n’tun iwa ara eni she” . I’m sorry to be the one to tell you all, but stop looking to heaven for the solutions to Nigerian problems, the solutions are to be found in your mirrors. The Turkish people didn’t whip out their prayer beads and mats when faced with the prospect of military adventurists taking power. They acted.
Americans have become almost universally godless to the point of apostasy, but their society works. They offer no subsidies to their nationals who elects to observe religious obligations, and short of ensuring that their nations have functional consular services available to their national, I doubt if any serious government anywhere in the world, subsidises the religious exertions of their citizens.
just so we are clear, I am a christian, I have friends who profess to worship God as Muslims, and there are also those who find expression for their worship of God in other ways. Jehovah God, whom I worship, has blessed man with all that he requires to live the bountiful life that God has blessed him with, and few can claim to be better endowed than Nigerians, when God was sharing the booties of life.
If I placed a bowl of pounded yam, complimented with whichever of the several rich accompaniments on a table in front of you, an able bodied, functional human being, and you sit waiting for the food to find its way into your mouth, you’re the very depiction of a fool, and hunger has the legitimacy to kill you.
God will not save Nigeria, it is up to you and I to save it.
Let’s keep talking, but remember; Heaven helps those who helps themselves.
Written 6 August 2016.

I concur and agreed with you totally sir
I always try to explain this to people of my age and at the end they drag God into nigeria matter i called them the image of the colonizer to subdue my option about action cause silent is never an opinion
i really appreciate all your article God bless you forever