The saint amidst daemons?

Show me a virgin
In a maternity ward🎵

I’ll show you a river
That does not flow🎵

Cure yourself of idiocy, open your eyes!
Use the grey stuff between your damn ears!

Tradermoni? Sorted!

Silence in the face of evil? Done!

Preaching peace to the oppressed? No problem.

Holier than thou and playing Daniel? Easy peasy!

Teflon Don! The one that swims in sewer unstained and unstainable! Check!

The angel unfallen but comfortable with demons

Janus has but two face, but this one is hydra headed and hydra faced. He has a face for all occasions.

But check out the idiots singing chorus. Motley crew of certificated illiterates and hungry fools! Incapable of seeing what sits on the bridge of their nose.

If I could be bothered to write, I’d have said all of the above and then some, but I am done writing about Pastor Agboworin for a season.

And your collective incapacity to understand me, has been proven beyond doubt.

At least I can go to my grave smug. Believing myself superior to the idiots with whom I shared my life.

Awon Ode!


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