May Laalu not desist until they shall have utterly destroyed themselves in the field of hubrises, composted by their impunities…
Laalu Ogiri Oko!
Elekun n’sun ekun
Laaroye n’sun eje!
May Laalu intervene in Buhari’s choice of his successor. May Buhari be true to his natural instincts and anoint a Northern candidate, not only must this khalifa be Muslim, may Laalu assure that he is Fulani, and one with a reputation for Islamist irredentism. May Laalu be unappeasable in the accomplishment of this mission, and may nothing offered in supplications suffice.
May Tinubu’s anger in response be kindled, and may Sango Olukoso intervene to possess him. May he for once be true to the god for whom he was originally named, and may he war unrelentingly against the evil house that he founded in defiance of counsel. May Laalu take hold of Sango and kindle his anger against Oya, that Sango’s tragedy might again be enacted, in atonement for the bloods spilled and the sins unabated.
May Laalu not desist until they shall have utterly destroyed themselves in the field of hubrises, composted by their impunities. Elekun n’sun’kun, Laalu n’sun eje! Esu Laalu! Ba mi tu won ka ni’bi ti won gbe n’dana iro! The one that bears a scepter in your name, I ask you because I come as Orunmila, afflict him because he dared to seek my life.
I shall be offering you the shaved locks from the season of sanity as burnt offerings soon.
Laalu Ogiri Oko!
Oni’le Orita!
We shall meet where the roads meet. Soon.