I see even more bloodshed than we have become acculturated to. I see no future for Nigeria. I see a descent into chaos. Deep chaos…
I would usually weave my narratives around some pithy metaphor or the other, and I would enjoy the seductive flow of language, as I would show off the best of the education that was once freely available to my generation, fruits of the fecund visions anchored on integrity, of the men that once ruled over these lands.
But I do not care for metaphors today. My purpose is to tell you the bare truth. Not that you would recognize it, for you have subjectivized the truth beyond recognition, but I write secure in the knowledge that history shall record that you were warned, and I shall stand absolved before God. I bear testimony against the lot of you.
Seven years ago, I wrote Do Not Die In Their War. I warned you about each and every thing that you have experienced in the Buhari regime up until this point. You were warned. I have made the book freely available since the first year of its anniversary, and I followed up with a second book, Imperatives Of The Nigerian Revolution. I made this available for free download, long before its first anniversary. Both books remain available for free download today. But you are educated illiterates, who either read without comprehension, or are simply allergic to books, preferring instead the beer parlor analysis by which ignorance has been weaponized by the ruining crass.
I have drawn your attention to these two books in order to flaunt my credentials, and so that you might understand that you need to pay serious attention to what I have to say going forward. If you find my tone condescending and annoying, know that I owe you no apologies, I have taken these tones deliberately, for you are undeserving of more. Whatever else you might think of me, I have a mantle for this country, and in this season, and you shall be ignoring my words at your own peril. The reign of the undertakers is at hand, if we shall have failed to rise to the occasion that looms ahead. Nigeria is at an inflection point in its inglorious history.
The Nigerian state is dead. It has been killed by the hubrises of the Nigerian ruling class, a class peopled by two sets of undertakers. The most demonized and easily recognizable part of this class of morticians, are the Fulani Islamist hegemonists. I have written extensively on them in the Imperatives Of The Nigerian Revolution, and I will not waste time on the subject. The second set of undertakers are the useful idiots who works with them, feeding from their masters table, from the food taken from the Nigerian poor. Whatever the ethnoreligious differences of this class, it is a most cohesive unit, and it functions on the clear understanding, that the Fulani hegemonists are the ultimate operators of the impunity, but that in all other matters, except as to the administration of impunity, each member is licensed to do as it pleases with the hapless victims, who imagine themselves to be citizens, and who are hopelessly divided by the machinations of the ruining crass.
I shall delay myself a while, simply to amplify and not to explain, the Fulani virus of feudalism has jumped host, and the victims are Nigerians of all nationalities, whose rulers have become highly feudalized, and Fulanized, feudalism being a uniquely Fulani construct in the Nigerian space. Islamist only as a political device, but extremely comfortable with evil and as the munafik in the dimensions of their vacuous religiosity. Behold Yerima, and remember Jangebe, they have merely protested God, but He does not live in them. And you can always hold up Pastor Agboworin as a counterfoil. Religion, is completely true to its origins in Nigeria, it has become the tool by which men have been bound. In the name of God!
The first condition of humanity is justice, but the only thing that has overtaken Nigeria is injustice. I see deep darknesses enveloping the land. I see efforts being made to put out the light. I see a prolonged period of unending strifes. I see even more bloodshed than we have become acculturated to. I see no future for Nigeria. I see a descent into chaos. Deep chaos. Unless we collectively shine our lights, and halt the impending reign of the undertakers, who are poised to consolidate the reigns of amoral power and to raise the banner of impunity.
The undertakers are coming to bury hopes. The hopes for a country built on citizenship and the rule of law, hopes for an egalitarian society where the circumstances of a man’s birth is not the determinant of his life’s trajectories. The hopes of the child of a civil servant as my father was, that he would ever receive a decent education from the public school system. The hopes for a Nigeria where hope would fetter despair, and lure men and women away from crime. The undertakers are coming to build on the ruins of the Buhari years and they will bury every hope of their ever being an account for the serial crimes against the Nigerian peoples. But the conflict between the knowledge of the truth, and the demand for forceful acceptance of injustice and inequities, shall plunge Nigeria into darkness.
The undertakers are coming, and the question is, are you ready? This is Our War, and we cannot afford to lose, or we shall become as slaves, legally enslaved by the evil construct known as Decree 24. Or we shall become victims of the inevitable wars of resistance that are bound to come. This Is Our War.
Dele Farotimi our legal luminary keep on the fire 🔥 Sir.
Your prophecies is same as what I have seen… I tried to have a voice but I speak and can’t even hear myself. It’s so pathetic!