The Nigerian state, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Jide Sanwo-Olu, and the entire ruling class, have just informed ALL NIGERIANS, that WE ARE NOT CITIZENS. Nobody has appointed me as spokesperson for the young people that have elicited this existential truth from the Nigerian state, and I have no such grand illusions. But silence is no longer an option, and this is a time when silence is not golden.
God is light. Whatever be your religious tradition, God, is typically depicted as light. satanic forces in every religious tradition, are on the other hand, perennially symbolized by darkness.
Let there be light! This is the very first of God’s manifestation of His divinity in most religious traditions of the creation story. There would be a representation of illumination to be found in every oral tradition of the creation of the world in which we live. Light is therefore of God, and darkness satanic. The Nigerian state, its governance systems, and the men and women in the ruling class, are generally satanic, evil, and unmoored by any affiliation to light.
Yesterday afternoon, men employed by the Toll company, removed certain cameras from the toll plaza. These were initially believed to be CCTV cameras, and the logical deductions led us to conclude that the cameras were removed because the state was being careful not to leave any evidence behind. I am being told that the reason might be different. They were not afraid of being recorded, they removed the cameras to prevent damage being done to them by stray bullets. The toll collection company was aware of what was coming.
Minutes before the soldiers would arrive, and in what must surely be a case of clear coordination, the floodlights at the toll plaza were switched off. The hitherto well lit plaza, was plunged into darkness. The evil men that have ruined this blessed country, required the blood of defenseless, harmless, peaceful protesters. And men that are paid, and provisioned with taxes derived from the Nigerian peoples, holding weapons bought with our commonwealth, fired bullets purchased with our sweat, into the crowd of light bearers. The Nigerian state presumed to extinguish the torches of hope, held in the hands of the innocent victims of systemic misrule.
They have lied.
Truth is of God. If you have any iota of God in you, you know the truth. The Nigerian state, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Jide Sanwo-Olu, and the entire ruling class, have just informed ALL NIGERIANS, that WE ARE NOT CITIZENS. Nobody has appointed me as spokesperson for the young people that have elicited this existential truth from the Nigerian state, and I have no such grand illusions. But silence is no longer an option, and this is a time when silence is not golden.
I understand the anger, and I do not seek to tamp it down, but I am at this time appealing that we all withdraw from the streets. FOR NOW. Let us take a day or two to compute the exact number of the dead, injured, and the captured, reflect on the facts, take stock, and thereby prevent ourselves from acting without reasoning out our responses. We owe the dead and injured, the duty to be deliberate in our response.
I ask that I be forgiven for presuming to tell women and men much more courageous than I have ever managed, what to do. But I again repeat: silence is not golden at this time.
Thank you.